DSAO 2025 Board of Directors


The DSAO Board of Directors consists of 6 Directors representing each Chapter, along with an Associate Director, and a Member-at-Large.  President and Vice-President positions are assigned to board members and the Secretary-Treasurer position is contracted to an administrator.  Click the board member's name to send them an email and please see below for DSAO Consitution, Board Policies & Procedures and a list of past Presidents.



Lorne Franklin, President

(Chapter 6)

David Moores, VP

(Chapter 2)

Eldon Hutchings


Jeremy Nyenhuis 

(Chapter 4)



Jason Marr

(Chapter 5)

Lindsay Dean

(Chapter 1)

Brent Clutterbuck


Kirk Livingston

(Chapter 3)

DSAO Constitution
Since its inception in 1983, the DSAO adopted the Constitution of the Drainage Superintendents Association of Ontario which is currently under revision.

Past Presidents


2022-23 Elizabeth Cummings

2020-21 Lu Ann Marentette

2017-19 Greg Nancekivell

2015-16  Bill Mayes
2013-14  Eric Westerberg*

2011-12 Frank Jonkman

2009-10 Brett Ruck

2007-8   Eric Chamberlain


2005-6   Marc Gagné

2004      Matthew Stephenson

2003      Jim Reeve

2002      Garth Noecker

2000-1  Henri Bennemeer

1999      Don Lewis

1997-8  Dennis Shand

1996      Ron Hill*

1995      John Poole*

1994      Kevin Grace


1993      Brian Anderson

1992       Peter Bryan-Pulham

1991      Ralph Beharrell

1990      Douglas Wilson*

1989      Ron Symington

1988      Marvin Laidlaw

1987      Bruce Karr

1986      John Palmer

1985      George Harris*

1984      Arthur Janse