The DSAO Board of Directors consists of 6 Directors representing each Chapter, along with an Associate Director, and a Member-at-Large. President and Vice-President positions are assigned to board members and the Secretary-Treasurer position is contracted to an administrator. Click the board member's name to send them an email and please see below for DSAO Consitution, Board Policies & Procedures and a list of past Presidents.
2022-23 Elizabeth Cummings
2020-21 Lu Ann Marentette
2017-19 Greg Nancekivell
2015-16 Bill Mayes
2013-14 Eric Westerberg*
2011-12 Frank Jonkman
2009-10 Brett Ruck
2007-8 Eric Chamberlain
2005-6 Marc Gagné
2004 Matthew Stephenson
2003 Jim Reeve
2002 Garth Noecker
2000-1 Henri Bennemeer
1999 Don Lewis
1997-8 Dennis Shand
1996 Ron Hill*
1995 John Poole*
1994 Kevin Grace
1993 Brian Anderson
1992 Peter Bryan-Pulham
1991 Ralph Beharrell
1990 Douglas Wilson*
1989 Ron Symington
1988 Marvin Laidlaw
1987 Bruce Karr
1986 John Palmer
1985 George Harris*
1984 Arthur Janse